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How to Connect

So you are interested and would like to integrate Geo Service into your application.

Few things you need to know before you go on.

  • The service is protected with an API key. Get yours here.
  • The service is available on the subscription basis, free option available.
  • Everything about your subscription is managed on this site.


Two endpoints are available:


Important: You have two keys: Public and Private. Do not use your Private Key where it can be easily accessed by others, such as JavaScript in the browser. Use only Public Key in these situations.

For REST interface, append apikey parameter to the URL

For SOAP interface, insert your API key into a custom SOAP header

For more information, see API Key section


REST interface can return data in two formats: XML (default) and JSON. The format is controlled by the HTTP Accept header or by format parameter in the URL.

Accept: application/xml
Accept: application/json

SOAP interface is limited to XML.


Functions that return lists support paging. For more information, see Paging section